single-source roll fabricating

The Quality is the Lifeline in Industrial, Roll Surface Finishing

It seems that everyone talk about quality. But what is quality actually?

We can define “quality” in many ways, but the ISO family of standards gives a very concise definition:

“Quality – the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils requirements.” (ISO 9000:2005 – 3.1.1).

This definition gives a general sense of “quality”, but we can watch at The Chartered Quality Institute ( which gives the following definition:

Quality: “an outcome – a characteristic of a product or service provided to a customer, and the hallmark of an organization which has satisfied all of its stakeholders.”

So, we must consider the customer and the degree to which the product or service meets the needs of all involved. We can say that a service is “poor”, or “good” or “excellent”, but this must be in accordance with something, we must have a reference to give such a description.

“Quality” is very important for every business!

What is a Quality Management System?
Returning to ISO 9000:2005, we can find this definition:

“management system to direct and control an organization with regard to quality”.
In other words, a Quality Management System is “a set of interrelated or interacting processes used to guide and lead an organization so that its products or services meet the established requirements”.

Specifically, the Quality Management System focuses on the processes of the organization, customer and continuous improvement.

There are actually, eight quality management principles and any organization must take these into account:

  1. Customer focus
  2. Leadership
  3. Involvement of people
  4. Process approach
  5. System approach to management
  6. Continual improvement
  7. Factual approach to decision making
  8. Mutually beneficial supplier relationships

At MP&P these are letters that are ingrained in every step of our industrial roll services.

We adhere to this because we are often under pressure to get an industrial roll back to the customer, especially if it is hindering their productivity. Under that kind of pressure, our teams comply with quality standards first and foremost. We don’t let pressure move us in any shortcut direction.

Every quality step we take not only benefits us, but better serves our industrial roll customers with greater productivity, cost savings and attention to detail. Contact MP&P today to discuss your industrial, roll needs.



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