It’s really not about how long you’ve been in business.

It’s not just that MP&P has been involved in industrial roll surface finishing and engineering for over 60 years. It’s what we have learned and experienced in that business category that makes us unique. Servicing an industrial roll that’s down, while a customer’s facility is in operation, requires more than just servicing the roll.
We understand the need to work logistically. You have to navigate the work around people, equipment, schedules, details, processes, and deadlines. That’s something you don’t learn in a book, it takes in the field experience.

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Down-time has far-reaching effects

The MP&P business model is more than our approach to industrial roll servicing; it serves as a business strategy that supports our customers. One of our most serious commitments is that we are not only helping our direct customers, but we are supporting their customers as well. Shoddy work and down-time hurts business throughout the delivery cycle. It’s a serious responsibility. That is one reason why MP&P provides industrial roll solutions to many of the most demanding companies in the country and offshore. Contact us today to discuss your industrial roll needs. 203-574-5400

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