At MP&P, when we assess productivity, we look at measuring the efficiency of all our service and production processes and how they are planned and carried out. Typically, productivity in the workplace refers simply to how much work is completed within a specific time. That is part of the equation, but only part.
Once there’s a plan with a clear goal, productivity depends on effective implementation. In turn, that depends on a number of critical factors:
- Clear communication from the customer.
- Well thought-out scheduling.
- Each roll station ready to work immediately.
- All equipment is clean, maintained and prepared for service.
These basic factors alone will improve the service to your roll and help assure that no unforeseen costs or time delays come into play.
MP&P offers tremendous experience in supporting our customers, based on pre-planning with the customers’ input. The primary intention is to bring each roll service to successful outcomes.
Productivity is our way of doing business while saving money and time to get your equipment back online and producing for you. To learn more about how our approach can help you achieve real solutions, call to discuss your project today. There’s no obligation, and you’ll find valuable insights.